Elvira is a true HR professional in her own field. By coaching and skillfully facilitating discussions she helps to clarify thinking and goals, find ways to achieve them and to strengthen trainee’s own resources so that they can achieve their own goals. In our company she helped us with teambuilding of a new team, identifying team members’ strengths, reflecting on their own practices and in creating team-level practices. Our team gave great feedback about the workshop and about Elvira’s interactive and nice way of working.
I came to Fab Monday because I needed help with finding a job. I had been looking for a job for over a year. I was quite desperate and tired when I arrived at Elvira’s virtual sofa and my self-esteem was broken from so many unsuccessful job applications. After our first phone conversation, I got excited, but still had my doubts that anyone could help me with my unemployment. Right after our first session together, I felt that she was going to do her best to help me, and her calm, empathetic and warm personality was just what I needed. I immediately felt like she was my coach!
I was stuck in self-doubt, but she got me out of it fast. She gave me new perspectives and insights in order to refresh my job searching approach, see my qualifications in a new light and regain the right attitude. Five weeks after I met with Elvira I got hired for my dream job. I highly recommend her for your career dilemmas when you need a real professional at your side!
Career Coaching client
The biggest takeaway that I gained from my mentor relationship with Elvira was being able to map out my key strengths and tie these with experiences from my professional, volunteer and personal life. Working with Elvira during the last year of my Master’s studies, she was also able to guide me to realize the type of working environment I want to be in after graduation and what I want to achieve through my work. This is something that I had not been able to put into words before, but will very beneficial in the coming years. As a mentor Elvira is very present, encouraging and is able to challenge to think deeper about issues than one would by themselves.
I have known Elvira Vainio as best Career Development Coach. Elvira has a positive energy and this reflected a lot during our coaching time. Elvira has the ability to listen, ask the right questions and challenge in a good way. Through coaching I have clarified my own thoughts on future goals in my career. Thank you!
Elviran ote oli innostunut ja innostava. Hänen kanssaan oli miellyttävää työstää ja jäsentää omia rönsyileviä ajatuksia. Liikuimme keskustelujemme aikana ulkona uusissa maisemissa ja se tuntui antavan tilaa ajatustenkin lentää. Sain muutaman todellisen oivalluksen, joita tuskin olisin saanut ilman tätä prosessia. Sain myös kirkastettua oman tavoitteeni. Yllätyin ihan miten paljon tästä sai irti!
Elviran valmennus antoi minulle paljon: hän auttoi löytämään ja nimeämään omia vahvuuksiani, mutta ennen kaikkea huomaamaan, mitä oikeasti elämältäni, arjeltani ja työuraltani haluan. Näillä eväillä on helpompi lähteä hakemaan seuraavia haasteita. Sain valmennuksessa erilaisia kotitehtäviä ja lukuvinkkejä, mutta ennen kaikkea rohkeutta, kannustusta ja empatiaa. Elviran rauhallista tyyliä, ammattitaitoa ja innostusta on iloa seurata.
Elvira toimi minulle mentorina ja coachina vuoden verran. Hän on osaava, oivalluttava ja löytää ajatusten työstön ja ongelmanratkaisun tueksi aina sopivan menetelmän. Elviralla on kyky kuunnella, kysyä oikeat kysymykset ja haastaa hyvällä tavalla. Hänellä on aito halu auttaa ja tukea!
Itselleni käydyt keskustelut kirkastivat niin omia ajatuksiani tulevaisuuden tavoitteita urallani kuin toivat perspektiiviä ja ratkaisuja haastavien tilanteiden ratkaisuun työssä HR-ammattilaisena.